Learn Git

Git - what every one working with data science should know



A short summary on working with git, with key points taken from Headfirst Git book.

Command line

pwd - print working directory

mkdir - make new directory, don’t use spaces unless going to use quotations

ls - list

ls -A - list hidden files as well

cd - change directory

cd .. - return to parent directory


git version - to check which version of git had been installed

Beginning git

Git is important for:

Git repo

Git repo is a folder for housing all the files in a project. You will need to create one as a first step.

The top folder of the project needs to have git init run to get things started with git.

00 - Checking git help

git <command> --help for longer version, q to quit git <command> -h for shorter version

git config --global core.editor "atom --wait" to set Atom as git editor


  1. Create a project folder (one for each chapter of the book) Use command line commends to create folder

  2. Initialize Git after cd into folder, and then git init

  3. Initializing a Git repo inside a folder, and the folder will be the working directory. Check using ls -A.

  4. Create new file to work on (can be .md file)

  5. Add files to commit

git add newfile.md git add file1 file2 file3 for multiple files git status to check status

  1. Commit the files git commit -m "my first commit"

  2. Check status of repo git status

02 - Branching out

Branches allow you to keep your changes completely independent of each other.

Branches allow multiple peple to contribute to the same project.

Branches allow you to work on multiple tasks at the same time.

You should always work on a branch, then then default to master.

Creating branch

Create a branch for every/any new task or feature to add in. Delete them after they have been merged into master.

git branch my-first-branch

git branch to list all branches

Switching branches

git switch my-first-branch

git branch to check if switched correctly

Create and switch to branch immediately

git switch -c my-first-branch git branch to check if switched correctly

Merging branches

git merge branch-name - branch that is to be merged into the branch you are on.

Merging to master branch

git status to check which branch you are on git switch master to go to master branch git merge add-fall-menu to merge add-fall-menu branch into master ls to check if newly added files were added

Merge commits

Merge conflicts

When two copies of the same file exists in the branch to merge into and the branch you are in

<<<<<<< HEAD <– Marks the beginning of the conflict region There’s a version-control tool called Git For software it’s an excellent fit If you attitude ranges Feel free to make changes Since you’ve got a great tracking kit

======= <– Divides the two sides of the merge

There’s a version control tool called Git When you feel like you just want to quit Go and try something new You can track what you can do Since you’ve got a great tracking kit

.>>>>>>> improvisation <– end of the region, branch name that you are merging into the head (master

Resolve the conflicts

git add filename.md git commit -m "msg"

Deleting branches

Branches should be deleted after you have merged them You cannot delete the branch you are on!

git branch -d name_of_branch_to_delete

Undoing delete

git branch <branch name> <base-commit-id>

03 - Git Repository

Git log for one branch

git log --oneline to display one line with abbrev unique commit id

Git log for whole repo

git log --oneline --all --graph

Visualizing file differences

git status git diff to compare files in index with that in working directory git diff --cached to compare last commit with index

Visualizing differences between branches

git diff branch_master branch_branch

Branch master is the target Branch_branch is the branch to merge into target

04 - Undoing mistakes

Undo changes to file using Restore

Takes file from index and overwrites the version in the working directory

git restore invitation.md

git restore file-a file-b file-c for restoring multiple files

Undoing commits

git restore --staged invititation-card.md copies the conents of the file as they were last committed into the index

Deleting files

git rm file.md removes files from working diretory and index, but not object database

Delete a directory

git rm -r r stands for recursive

Renaming or moving files

git mv file-a.md file-b.md file-a is the old name, file-b is the new name

Edit commit messages

git status to check that you are on the same branch as the commit you wish to edit, and that the working directory is clean. There should not be any uncommitted changes!

If there are any staged changes, can use git restore --staged <file> to let Git put them back in the working directory, then you can amend the latest commit.

git commit --amend -m "new commit message" to record a commit replacing the one you had with the new commit message.

Renaming branches

git branch to check branch name git branch -m old-name new-name git branch to check change took place

This works regardless of what branch you are on, since it is explicitly stated.

Removing commits

git reset <commit id> -> mixed reset mode, appear in working directory

git reset --soft <commit id> -> appear in index

git reset --hard <commit id> –> destructive, will nv see it in index or working directory

Reset is commit level Restore is file level

git revert HEAD : commit id is still in the graph, but its effects are negated with the new commit that the revert command created.

05 - Working remote


git clone <url>

Make changes

git status : will see that your branch is ahead by 1 commit

git push : will prompt for username and password (PAT)

git remote -v

Workflow to push master branch

  1. git init or fork the repository, then git clone <url>

  2. git switch -c feature-a to create branch, switch to that branch, and make changes

  3. git branch to check branch you are on.

  4. git switch master to switch to master branch

  5. git merge feature-a to merge feature branch into master branch

  6. git push to push the master branch

  7. git branch -d feature-a to delete branch after merging

Pushing local branches

git branch to check that you are on master

git switch -c feature-b to create new feature-b branch, add files/make changes

git add feat-b-01.md to add file

git commit -m "my first commit on feat-b"

git push and follow instructions to set upstream origin

Pull requests - another way to merge branches

A pull request is a way to request that your code be merged into another branch, typically an integration branch like the master.

Instead of merging back into the master directly, you push the branch to the remote, and create a pull request. They can then review and give comments/feedback, and when they approve your pull request, you can go ahead and merge your changes.

For solo projects, it is better to merge into integration branch locally and push the integration branch to the remote.

06 - Team Collaboration

Workflow - player 1

  1. Clone repo: git clone <url> (fork first if needed)

  2. Create branch git switch -c addison-first-faq

  3. Edit files locally in Atom

  4. Add and commit file.

git add FAQ.md

git commit -m "first commit"

  1. Check git branch: git branch

  2. Push local branch: git push and follow instructions

  3. Go to github website to merge pull request.

  4. Delete merged branch on github.

If pushing to master:

5a: Check git branch: git branch

6a: Switch to master branch: git switch master

7a. Push to master: git push

8a. Delete merged branch: git branch -d addison-first-faq

Workflow - Player 2 (pull to update)

  1. cd into player 2 working directory with the git cloned repo

  2. git branch to be at the master branch

  3. git pull to update a branch in your clone to most recent version


git fetch to fetch all changes in the remote and update your tracking branches to reflect the changes, but aren’t present in your clone.

git status to see where things stands

git branch -a to see all the branches in the repo

git fetch followed by git mergeis better than git pull

Git fetch is a safer alternative because it pulls in all the commits from your remote but doesn’t make any changes to your local files.


Head First Git


For attribution, please cite this work as

lruolin (2022, June 11). pRactice corner: Learn Git. Retrieved from https://lruolin.github.io/myBlog/posts/20220611 - Learn git/

BibTeX citation

  author = {lruolin, },
  title = {pRactice corner: Learn Git},
  url = {https://lruolin.github.io/myBlog/posts/20220611 - Learn git/},
  year = {2022}